Can You Swim With Tape in Extensions

Yes, it is possible to swim with tape in extensions as long as caution is taken by protecting them from soaking in chlorine and saltwater. Tape-in extensions are a popular hair extension option for those needing extra length, volume, or dimension.

However, their maintenance and care can be tricky- especially regarding washing and swimming. While some types of extensions are unsuitable for water immersion, tape-in extensions can withstand them as long as a few safety measures are taken.

In this article, we will discuss how to swim with tape-in extensions, what precautions to take, and how to properly care for them post-swim.

So if you plan on hitting the pool or beach this summer and want to keep your extensions looking great, keep reading.

Understanding Tape In Extensions

Tape-in extensions are strands of hair attached to a secure adhesive strip. The adhesive strip is placed on the base of small sections of your natural hair.

Swimming with tape-in extensions is safe, but it’s important to take extra care of them when you get out of the pool.

After swimming, always rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water, and avoid rubbing your hair with a towel. The tape’s lifespan in extensions can last up to two months, depending on how well they are maintained.

Maintenance includes brushing and washing your hair regularly and avoiding excessive heat styling.

Don’t forget to use a heat protectant spray and never use a high heat setting when blow-drying your hair to keep the extensions healthy and long-lasting.

While tape-in extensions are a popular choice, there are other hair enhancements, like synthetic hair, that swimmers often inquire about. Discover more in our “Can you swim with synthetic hair” article.

Potential Risks of Swimming With Tape-In Extensions

Swimming with tape-in extensions is a definite risk. Chlorine and salt water can damage the adhesive, causing the extensions to mat or tangle. Water can also cause the extensions to slip out, leading to potential embarrassment.

Beyond that, swimming can also cause scalp irritation or infection if not carefully managed.

It is important to take all necessary precautions and maintain proper aftercare when swimming with tape-in extensions. Keep your head above water, wear a swim cap, shampoo, and condition your hair as soon as possible after swimming, and avoid excessive friction as you dry your hair.

With proper care, swimming with tape-in extensions can be a fun way to enjoy your summer without worrying about your hairstyle.

Preparing Your Extensions for Swimming

Swimming is an activity best enjoyed in the summer. Your hair extensions shouldn’t limit this experience! Proper preparation is key to keeping your extensions in good condition. Before dipping, style your hair in a braid or bun before dipping to prevent tangling.

Don’t forget to apply a leave-in conditioner to protect your extensions from chlorine or salty water. It’s also important to secure your extensions with a hair tie or swim cap.

Going underwater is discouraged, but avoid rubbing your hair against surfaces if you must.

Lastly, rinse your hair immediately after swimming and use a deep conditioner to restore moisture. With these tips, you can swim carelessly without compromising your hair extensions!

Tape-in extensions are just one type of hair enhancement. If you’re curious about other types, such as hair extensions, and their compatibility with swimming, check out our “Can you swim with hair extensions” guide.

After Swimming Care Tips

Swimming with tape in extensions may cause tangles and knots. You can gently remove them by using a wide-tooth comb. Properly dry your extensions to avoid any damage by gently patting them with a towel or letting them air dry.

Protective products can help maintain the quality of your extensions post-swim. Using a leave-in conditioner or an oil-based serum can also be useful in protecting your extensions.

Taking extra care of your extensions before and after swimming will ensure their longevity, and you can enjoy your time in the water without worrying about any damage to your tape-in extensions.

Apart from tape-in extensions, there are unique hair accessories like hair tinsel that people love. Dive into our article to learn about swimming with hair tinsel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Swim With Tape In Extensions?

Yes, you can swim with tape-in extensions as long as you take proper precautions. Wear a swim cap and avoid saltwater, chlorine, or other water chemicals. Dry your hair immediately after swimming and brush out any tangles gently.

How Long Can I Swim With Tape-In Extensions?

Limiting your time swimming with tape-in extensions to 30 minutes is recommended. Prolonged exposure to water can loosen the tape and cause the extensions to fall out. Be careful to dry your hair and extensions thoroughly after swimming.

Can I Wash My Hair With Tape In Extensions?

Yes, you can wash your hair with tape in extensions. However, you should avoid using products that contain sulfates, alcohol, and oils, as they can weaken the adhesive on the tape. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that is formulated for extensions.

How Long Do Tape-In Extensions Last?

Tape-in extensions can last up to 8 weeks, depending on how well they are cared for. Regular maintenance appointments with your stylist will help prolong the life of your extensions. Avoid using heat styling tools on the tape area and gently brush or comb.

How Do I Remove Tape In Extensions?

Tape-in extensions can be removed by your stylist using a professional adhesive remover. Do not attempt to remove them yourself as it can cause damage to your natural hair. It is important to have your extensions removed by a professional to maintain the health of your hair.


Overall, swimming with tape-in extensions can be a tricky decision to make. While jumping into the pool or ocean with your new extensions may be tempting, it is important to consider the possible risks and consequences.

Water damage, tangling, and premature extension loss are all potential issues that may arise from swimming with tape-ins.

However, with proper precautions and maintenance, enjoying a day at the beach or pool is possible without damaging your extensions. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision.

Whether you swim with tape-in extensions or not, remember always to prioritize the health and maintenance of your hair to ensure long-lasting, beautiful results.

Masud Rana is the dedicated content writer at SwimZer, bringing a passion for swimming and a flair for words together to provide you with the best swimming advice and tips. Dive in and join him on your aquatic journey!