Can You Dry Swimsuits in the Dryer

Yes, you can dry swimsuits in the dryer. However, there are certain precautions you should take to prevent damage to the swimsuit material.

Swimsuits are usually made from delicate fabrics like spandex or nylon, which can be easily damaged by high heat. To dry your swimsuit in the dryer, use a low heat setting or air drying to ensure its longevity.

Reasons to Avoid Drying Swimsuits in the Dryer

Drying swimsuits in the dryer can lead to fabric damage, loss of elasticity, and fading of color. The dryer’s high temperatures and spinning motion can cause the delicate fabric of swimsuits to become stretched out, lose shape, and even tear.

Additionally, the heat can cause the elasticity in the swimsuit’s material to break down, leaving it saggy and less supportive. Moreover, the vibrant colors of swimsuits can fade when exposed to high heat, resulting in a dull and worn-out appearance.

To maintain the integrity of your swimsuits, it is best to air dry them by laying them flat or hanging them up.

This gentle drying method will help prolong the lifespan of your swimsuits and keep them looking their best.

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Air Drying

Drying swimsuits in the dryer may seem convenient, but air drying is a better choice. Air drying provides several benefits for your swimsuits.

Firstly, it helps preserve the fabric and extend the swimsuit’s lifespan.

Additionally, air drying prevents excessive heat that can cause damage or shrinkage to the material.

Moreover, hanging your swimsuits allows them to dry naturally, reducing the need for ironing or pressing.

Furthermore, air drying is eco-friendly and energy-efficient, not requiring electricity or gas. When air drying your swimsuits, hang them in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, to prevent color fading.

Overall, choosing to air-dry your swimsuits is a practical and sustainable option.

Towel Drying

Towel-drying swimsuits are a practical and effective method to preserve their quality.

You can significantly reduce drying time by gently squeezing out excess water and patting the swimsuits with a towel.

This method not only prevents damage from excessive heat in the dryer but also helps maintain the elasticity and color of the swimsuit fabric.

Additionally, towel drying allows the swimsuit to retain its shape better, ensuring a comfortable fit for your next swim.

Embracing towel drying as part of your swimsuit care routine will contribute to their longevity and keep them looking their best for many future beach trips.

Proper drying can prevent unwanted residues on your swimsuit. Learn how to remove sticky residue from your swimsuit liner for a comfortable swim.

Drying Rack

Drying swimsuits in the dryer can often lead to damage, shrinking, and loss of shape. Instead, using a drying rack offers many benefits.

First, it allows for gentle air circulation, preventing fabric stretching. Additionally, it eliminates the risk of heat damage or color fading.

By laying swimsuits flat on the drying rack, you can ensure that they retain their original shape. Moreover, the drying rack helps maintain the swimwear material’s elasticity.

It also allows for quick and even drying, preventing any unpleasant odors or mildew growth.

Furthermore, using a drying rack saves energy as it eliminates the need for a dryer. With careful attention and proper care, your swimsuits will last longer and retain their quality.

So, consider using a drying rack for effective and safe swimsuit drying.

Rinse After Use

Properly rinsing swimsuits after use is crucial for their longevity and cleanliness. Rinse your swimsuit thoroughly with fresh water as soon as possible after swimming. Gently squeeze out any excess water without wringing or twisting the fabric.

Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the material.

Instead, use a gentle detergent or mild soap to remove chlorine, salt, or sand residue. Rinse again to ensure all soap is thoroughly washed away.

After rinsing, gently press the swimsuit between towels to remove excess water. Finally, lay it flat to dry in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight.

These steps will keep your swimsuit in great condition and extend its lifespan.

Hand Wash

Hand washing swimsuits has numerous benefits over-drying them in the dryer. Firstly, hand washing ensures gentle cleaning without causing any damage to the delicate fabric.

It also helps to preserve the vibrant colors of the swimsuit for longer. Also, hand washing allows for better removal of stains and odors, as you can focus on targeted areas.

It also eliminates the risk of any shrinkage in the dryer. Moreover, hand washing allows you to take care of any embellishments or attachments on the swimsuit, avoiding potential damage.

Lastly, hand washing gives you better control over the drying process, as you can gently squeeze out excess water without wringing the swimsuit.

Overall, choosing to hand wash your swimsuits is a wise decision to keep them in excellent condition for a longer period.

Avoid Excessive Use of Chemicals

Swimsuits are best air-dried to prevent damage caused by excessive use of chemicals in the dryer. Chemicals can have negative effects on swimsuits, such as fading colors, weakening elastic, and deteriorating fabric.

To minimize chemical use, try hand-washing swimsuits with mild detergent and rinsing them well to remove any residue.

Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, as they can harm the swimsuit. Gently squeeze out the excess water and lay the swimsuit flat to dry away from direct sunlight.

This helps preserve the swimsuit’s shape and color. If you must use a dryer, select a low heat setting or use a towel to blot dry before placing it inside.

Following these tips will ensure your swimsuits last longer and remain in good condition.

Common Drying Mistakes to Avoid

Drying swimsuits in the dryer can lead to common mistakes. One such mistake is over-drying, which can cause damage to the fabric and elastic.

To avoid this, it’s important to monitor the drying time and remove the swimsuit as soon as it is dry.

Another mistake to avoid is direct sunlight exposure, as the UV rays can fade the color and weaken the fabric.

Instead, choose a shady spot or an indoor drying rack. Additionally, using high heat settings can also be damaging.

Opt for a delicate or low-heat setting to protect the swimsuit’s integrity.

By following these guidelines, you can prevent common drying mistakes and extend the lifespan of your swimsuits.

For those looking to enhance the comfort of their swimwear, discover how to add padding to a swimsuit for a snug fit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Dry Swimsuits in the Dryer?

Yes, you can dry swimsuits in the dryer, but it’s not recommended as it can damage the fabric and elasticity.

How Do You Properly Dry a Swimsuit?

To properly dry a swimsuit, lay it flat on a clean towel and gently press out the excess water. Let it air dry away from direct heat or sunlight.

Is It Safe to Hang Swimsuits to Dry?

Yes, it’s safe to hang swimsuits to dry but avoid hanging them in direct sunlight, as it can cause the colors to fade.

Can You Use a Hair Dryer to Dry a Swimsuit?

Using a hair dryer to dry a swimsuit is not recommended, as the hot air can damage the fabric and cause it to lose shape.

How Long Does It Take for a Swimsuit to Dry?

The drying time for a swimsuit can vary depending on the fabric and humidity, but it usually takes around 2-4 hours to air dry completely.


Drying swimsuits in a dryer can be a quick and convenient option, but it’s important to proceed cautiously. The dryer’s high heat and tumbling action can damage the delicate fabric of swimsuits, leading to fading, stretching, and even tearing.

To preserve the longevity and appearance of your swimsuits, it’s best to air dry them instead. Hanging or laying them flat in a well-ventilated area will allow them to dry naturally without causing any harm.

If you’re in a hurry and need your swimsuit to dry faster, gently blotting it with a towel or using a gentle heat setting on a hairdryer can help speed up the process.

Following these simple steps, you can ensure that your swimsuits stay in excellent condition and are ready for your next beach adventure.

Masud Rana is the dedicated content writer at SwimZer, bringing a passion for swimming and a flair for words together to provide you with the best swimming advice and tips. Dive in and join him on your aquatic journey!